Time for a Radical Change in Your Life?

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Weekly Kick in the Ass!

No SPAM. Just a Compassionate Kick-Ass Motivational Newsletter

Who Is This Guy?

Hi! I’m Shea Oliver, The Hiking CEO. 

In 2003, I launched my first online business. A year later, I told my boss to shove off, walked out the door,  and never looked back.

I focus on pursuing my passions of hiking, climbing, traveling, writing, and spending time with people I honestly care about. 

I’m now a full-time digital nomad. Traveling full-time. Discovering a new life. Reveling in my absolutely awesome adventure.

I’m in charge of my life. I’m the boss of me. Are you ready to take control of your life and radically change it?

I want to help you get it done!

I’m not for the fainthearted. I’m about radical change. If you’re serious about changing your life, then you found the right place.

Radical Change is Radical Thinking

Are you ready to shift your thinking and take control of your life?

Life-Changing Free Mini-Courses

Get your thumb out of your butt, snag a free course, and get moving forward today!

How to Stop Giving a Fuck and Move Forward

A lifetime of being told that you should care about this or that creates a reality in which you are diminished and secondary. It’s time to define what’s important to you and tell the rest of those thoughts to go pound sand.

Taking the First Step Toward Radical Change

You’re standing right on the edge, ready to charge forward on the path you’ve dreamed about, but your shoes are stuck to the ground. Rip your feet free and charge, barefoot and naked if necessary, toward your new life.

Recalibrating Your Most Valuable Relationships

People matter. But not all relationships are equal. Once you understand what makes a valuable and healthy relationship you’ll be able to prioritize who really matters and who doesn’t. And who stays and who goes.

Insightful Social Media Videos

Don’t watch if you’re interested in staying stuck.
This is about unlocking your potential and taking charge of your life

Follow @TheHikingCEO on Social Media

For more crap-free unfiltered wisdom

Critical Insights You Can't Miss

Changing Your Life in Three Simple Steps

Changing Your Life in Three Simple Steps

Don't think you can change your life? Stop making it so hard. The radical change you desire is only three…
10 Reasons You Absolutely Deserve The Life You Want

10 Reasons You Absolutely Deserve The Life You Want

Thinking there's a reason you don't deserve the life you want? Time to call bullshit, change your thinking, and create…
Getting Repeatedly Screwed Over? Make It Set You Free!

Getting Repeatedly Screwed Over? Make It Set You Free!

Feel like life is constantly fucking you over? Then it's time to take charge and eliminate the opportunity for others…

Compassionate & Loving Kicks in the Ass

Selecting my New Business Model as a Digital Nomad YouTube Cover
The Sunk Cost Fallacy
Posuere ac ut consequat semper viverra nam libero. Quisque id diam vel quam elementum pulvinar. Risus quis varius quam quisque id diam.
Selecting my New Business Model as a Digital Nomad YouTube Cover
Down and Out is an Illusion
Posuere ac ut consequat semper viverra nam libero. Quisque id diam vel quam elementum pulvinar. Risus quis varius quam quisque id diam.
Selecting my New Business Model as a Digital Nomad YouTube Cover
Your Right to Change
Posuere ac ut consequat semper viverra nam libero. Quisque id diam vel quam elementum pulvinar. Risus quis varius quam quisque id diam.

Living In A Van Down By The River!

Traveling full-time is my dream. With my Jeep Wrangler and teardrop trailer, I can go anywhere!

Interested in This Crazy Life?

I obsessively share about life on the road.

I share my personal travel journal and schedule.

I share beautiful and interesting photos

I shoot insightful and funny videos

I tell it like it is. The good bad and the ugly.

Visit my personal website at SheaOliver.com.

Connect with my personal social media accounts.